Sustainable Agriculture – From Farm to Table

Sustainable Agriculture – From Farm to Table

The agriculture industry is no different from other industries which have seen a drastic shift soon with innovations and entrepreneurs joining hands with farmers. A new revolution is coming in the agriculture industry with new technology and government policies.  

  1. The Environmental Impact on Agriculture 

There are many environmental impacts of agriculture that not only us but even our coming generations would face. Such as:

  • Land Degradation  

Degradation of land is a matter of concern which is putting agriculture sustainability at great risk. Deforestation and overgrazing practices can expose the soil to wind and water erosions.  

  1. A huge deficiency of nutrients is present in the soil. 
  1. A decline in the soil organic matter.  
  1. Overgrazing by Pasteur causes soil exposure to water and wind erosion. 

  • Chemical Fertilizer 

To this day synthetic fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus which are being used. Agriculture in this modern day depends hugely on these chemical inputs though no doubt these chemicals have been able to double the food production rate, they have also helped in a tremendous increase (600 per cent) of reactive nitrogen level in the environment. 

  1. What Is Sustainable Agriculture? 

There can be many ways to define sustainable agriculture but it works on a simple principle that we must meet the needs and demands of the present without compromising the needs and demands of future generations. It works on a three-way method. It not only works towards sustaining farmers but also, resources and communities not only for one generation but for generations to come. Promoting practices and methods for farming which are beneficial to the environment, profitable and lastly good for the community. Sustainable agriculture fits into and complements modern-day agriculture practices. 

At TOSK Global Ventures our mission and vision are linked with sustainable agriculture stating that every day we strive to build a sustainable, diverse and sustainable global supply chain whilst making a positive impact in the communities where we live and work. We assist our customers in market entry, set up, marketing and finance and the suppliers by helping them through education, training, and resources of sustainable production, empowering them to build a brighter future. 

  1. Sustainable agriculture practices  

“Well so sustainable agriculture is the wave of the future but how do we achieve it?” 

Farmers are trying to work on an economically and socially sustainable agriculture system which basically enables farms of every size to be profitable and contribute to the local economy. This system supports the next generations of farmers, provides fair deals to the workers, and prioritizes people and communities over corporate interests.  

a) Preventing soil erosion and building healthy soil 

b) Managing water resources wisely 

c) Minimizing water and air pollution 

  1. Ecological benefits  

As seen above sustainable agriculture consists of a wide range of activities and techniques ranging from organic, low-input and biodynamic.  

Embracing farming practices that mimic natural ecological practices is the common thread when we talk about sustainable agriculture. Farmers use water resources judiciously, and healthy soil by planting fields with different crop years and avoiding pesticides.  

Sustainable agriculture is also about a Broader principle that supports and makes sure the farming community is treated the right way and pricing is such that it provides farmers with a livable income. 

  1. Overcoming challenges  

Though every coin has two sides, the critics of sustainable agriculture claim that the crops grown with these methods result in higher land use and crop yields are lower. They also add by pointing out that a commitment to these methods can mean an inevitable food shortage for the world population that is expected to exceed 8 billion by 2030.  

But, at the same time the advocates of sustainability state an increased efficiency of sustainably farmed lands as they show more productivity as compared to conventionally farmed lands. 

Farmers joining hands in ginger fields in Nigeria, Kaduna


In the end, we want to deliver the message that sustainability is the key to the future. This is the time we need to focus on giving back to our society also. 

TOSK has a socially responsible approach to providing products with good nutritional value. We belong to a generation of farmers and are now taking a step forward by converting traditional farming into organic farming. 

Our quality control begins right at the time of planting, from the soil, and seeds, all growing processes, harvesting, processing, and packaging are all under our supervision. Some of the products are directly from our contract farmers while we also source from their place of origin. We believe in providing the best quality products at the best promising rates. This makes us have a presence in the product’s origin and buying countries, which allows TOSK Global Ventures to supervise product processing and work with clients directly at the same time ensuring the best quality at reasonable prices and a smooth shipping process with the global standard of traceability. 

We can help you source your sustainable products for the environment and are rich in nutrients at a great price. 

We specialise in the trading of soft commodities. Contact us now for more information and we are looking forward to helping you and your business. 


+353(0)15 654 240

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